
quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012

Republicanos, inconformados e... DESINFORMADOS!

Choveram mensagens no twitter de americanos inconformados com a vitória do Obama dizendo que iriam mudar-se para o Canadá (ou para a Austrália).
Nada mal né? Olha só o que espera pelos beócios que forem para lá:

Casamento gay, sistema público e universal de saúde, presença maciça do  governo...

Que sejam felizes. Quem sabe eles aprendem!

Moving To Canada Tweets: Funniest Reactions To Obama Win

While Canada may seem like a socialist pit of torment to Tea Party Republicans, that isn't stopping many Romney supporters from reacting to Obama's re-election by threatening to move north. Free health care, gay marriage, big government — who cares? Nothing is worse than Obama.
To be fair, most of the tweets on the subject are actually from Americans chiding their fellow citizens on their lack of knowledge regarding Canada's politics, but are still plenty of posts from those outraged about four more years Obama.
  • Looks like half of the US will be moving to Canada due to Obama and the other half to Colorado due to the legalization of marijuana.
  • Someone said they're moving to Canada due to Obama's win. Clearly they don't know what's up here.   
  • People say they're moving to Canada, but if you look up anything about Canada's stance on everything, it's exactly what Obama is for. 
  • Twitter tonight: 1. Texas Secedes 2. Everyone's moving to Canada 3. Obama ruins America 4. Legalized pot in Colorado? 5. Mayans were right
  • I just counted and so far 83 of my 917 friends are moving to Canada. Not sure why... Since they also have an "Obama-Care" healthcare system

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